The child soldiers who cross the world, especially in Europe, suffer from hard labor and misery. Colleagues can intervene very well on the issue.

Dans the framework of the international journal for the abolition of the esclavage, the Maison des quartiers collaborates with the college of Pau-Casals to publish a work of etude and the prize of conscience for the exploitation of children dan the mouth.

Photos produced by Amnesty International, of a class of four bilingual languages, in the presence of Mrs. Guichard, professor of geographical history, of Cécile Abadie, and animatrics of Caroline Ravel in the Maison des quartiers, explained and commented on by duo chaque cliché en revélant leur ressenti devant lesson terrible conditions of children’s lives in the big world of the planet.

“Cette reflexion entre dans program scolaire qui aborde de la traite négrière, etudiée également dans le framework de la etude de la industrial revolution”explanation of the meaning.

Moreover, with respect for the images, in a respectful silence, the collégiens descend into the mines on plusieurs mètres sous terre for the découvrir of young children who exercise the power of the skin and the pioche. It is a porté with small garçons who turn military military defenses, military weapons of war and disproportionate weapons of war. It is an aging phenomenon in the forest, in which pesticides are exposed, for plant research. The universe of prostitution is exposed through the work of young female recruits in contract work. When we see that some children, very young, struggle to commit a coup and mentally recover from a life without trust.

The conditions of indignation and a hope of the courtesy of millions of children who possess the tortionnaires who possess the objectives of the exploitation of a docile and well marching main œœuvre.

The sonnerie of recreation is a misfinish on the séance with a laissé of traces. “It is normal that children have to work for small salaries in misery and sales. Causing delinquency, the balance in the family and the loss of consequences for mental and physical health, ont-ils déclaré en exergue. If you see this as an opportunity for the school life, the parents’ lives, the friends and the peace of life.’.

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